Hi I'm still not sure which of the languages we need or which are just bugs in packages. Or do we have bug in the scripts, that generat this language list? What about the AA_BB and AA@somestring languages? For e.g. I wonder why we have international/l10n/po/man_DE which links only to this po file: https://i18n.debian.org/material/po/unstable/main/i/i2p/installer/resources/locale-man/i2p_0.9.48-1.1_man_de.po.gz This po file cleary says "Language: de\n" Why is the language then called man_DE and not just "de"? Is this a bug in our scripts?
I think this is a bug, because those po files are named man_ because they are translations of the manual pages, not because of the Mandingo language.
"Similar" thing happens with https://www.debian.org/international/l10n/po/bos_DE (and all other bos_XX links in https://www.debian.org/international/l10n/po/): they are translations files of the boswars package, having two translations templates, one named boswars_version_xx.po.gz and another one named boswars_version_bos_xx.po.gz, so that "bos" is misdetected as Bosnian language.
I don't know *where* is the bug, though: it can be in the i2p
package because of wrong structure or naming o files (sorry, I
don't know the related policy), in the l10n scripts* that gather
the material (https://salsa.debian.org/l10n-team/dl10n/) or in our
code that process that data in webwml repo. Hence I'm CC'ing
debian-i18n and debian-l10n-devel for the case anybody knows and
it's easy to fix. If not, a quick workaround could be to exclude
the problematic packages from our stats (exclude them from the
dl10n scripts so no material is generated).
Kind regards,
-- Laura Arjona Reina https://wiki.debian.org/LauraArjona