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Re: Translation for Package descriptions has been down for 6 months now

Well, the issue is not really about interest nor skills as we are
probably many people motivated in solving this.
The real problem is about access: currently the ddtp/ddtss service is
hosted on a machine that is accessible by very few people (I would say
kleptog and bubulle) and these people are not as available as they used
to be… :/

Well, the problem is that the whole process is so complicated and obscure that when it doesn't work it takes ages to work out why.

The ddtp server is generating all the necessary files just fine, you can find them here: http://ddtp2.debian.net/debian/

In another thread someone commented:

> On #debian-ftp, it has been suggested that the DDTP server may be
> missing the public key of the user ddtp-dak, or maybe the user itself.

IIRC the DDTP downloads via HTTP some signed files, generates the translations, and signs the results. Dak should then download the files from the DDTP via SSH. It does this using the following in the authorized_keys file:

command="/usr/bin/rsync --server --sender -logDtpr . /srv/ddtp-dinstall/to-dak/.",from="ries.debian.org,,franck.debian.org,",no-agent-forwarding,no-port-forwarding,no-pty,no-X11-forwarding ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEA5OLKpG43Iz1PmGgCgSL9VgnqV7p1Q3B/2rkzTLU3n57WqRwilPDr3oaGQQeBxS9NOSvGHO8KKPOcrTbAFAz5GUhdofjp2Eg0e+z5di+7QCGu/xesHn+NJuv8M2pq4h2VTpxS9KQttipNzZ2578y2wXo1zy3P7vnxiHu+a1JGs+XadurLcumy5746wuMEWuLwjCeY8AS+FgXuQbLoRJshOTC4NRWRfxV1CVWizoSts1WrKHTFmo5/W2Ao2NUXVpHKU2bmxUA1ooNDtu8mVgbZrYvrYrCcxeMqJVP+vVuU4tz6OGrgwwI+035QGiT34qAdAoKNQj4fpqtG17XFrzewww== ddtp-dak@churro

Now that I look in the logs I see these messages:

Nov 27 19:52:15 ddtp sshd[20762]: Authentication tried for ddtp-dak with correct key but not from a permitted host (host=, ip=

Maybe they changed IP? This appears to be a machine http://fasolo.debian.org/ which is apparently the new alias for ftp-master.debian.org?

What I've done now is changed the file to accept from that IP, see if that helps.

Have a nice day,

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