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Re: Empty: Information about previous translation

On 16 February 2014 16:05, Joe Dalton <joedalton2@yahoo.dk> wrote:
Hi, I have observed a number of empty previous translation. For example:

a previous translation does exist:
(i have copied the previous translating into this fuzzy, but have no way of seeing the differences, if any).

but no diff is shown, and a new translator would start translating from scratch and waste a lot of time.

Has anybody else observed this?

Well, the ddtp-ng does attempt to recognose fuzzy translations and would suggest the previous translation. That doesn't really help with the differences though. All I can suggest is using the links to the diffs at the bottom, like this one:
# Description-id: 217323 http://ddtp.debian.net/ddt.cgi?desc_id=217323
# patch http://ddtp.debian.net/ddt.cgi?diff1=217323&diff2=218720&language=da
# This Description was in jessie from 2013-12-11 to 2014-01-31;
# This Description was in sid from 2013-12-06 to 2014-01-25;

It gives you and indication of the differences. I suppose the software could better deal with bulleted lists...

Have a nice day,
Martijn van Oosterhout <kleptog@gmail.com> http://svana.org/kleptog/

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