Re: DDTSS is down
On Thursday 27 January 2011, at 09:17 +0100, You wrote:
Hi! I am part of the Italian team working with DDTSS.
Personally I can say that I liked and still like the system a
lot when it works.. and it did flawlessly for a long time.
> Looking at the mail history it looks like all the problems were caused
> by a disk full which corrupted the database. What makes you think that
> with recovering the database these aren't all fixed as well. If
> there's still problems, lets hear them.
There are still problems - the interface is still acting weird, at least
for the Italian language. After the system has been fixed in these last
days, suddenly a lot of translations and reviews reappeared.
The problem is some of those can not be fetched, or approved.
In the Italian page:
for instance among the first descriptions in the list of those pending
review there are: libsql-reservedwords-perl
if I try to open any of those (and more) I get a page saying
"Package <package> no longer available for review"
but those description names remain in the list of those to be reviewed.
Thanks for working on trying to fix the system,
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