Problem with pdf variant of squeeze release-notes
today I discovered a weird phenomenon in the pdf versions of
the release-notes.
In special cases, words with non-ASCII characters are displayed
incorrectly, the characters are mixed up within the word.
Example: in the html-version I read: »Dynamic MMap«
while the same in pdf is: »Dynamic «MMap
To see this in real in the release-notes, go to
and watch line 2 to 4 of chapter 4.6.2 (the block quoted from
You see: (what is correct)
| E: Dynamic MMap ran out of room
| bzw.
| F: Nicht genügend Platz für »Dynamic MMap«
Now watch the same in the pdf variant
I took the german i386 version).
You will find:
(the errors are in the last line)
| E: Dynamic MMap ran out of room
| bzw.
| F: Nicht ügengend Platz üfr »Dynamic «MMap
^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^
Anyone who has seen this already somewhere?
Maybe there are other languages infected, too, I did not check.
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