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New Vietnamese translators! (Christmas comes early for Clytie :) )

To: Debian-i18n (hộp thư chung quốc tế hoá Debian)
CC: Huỳnh Văn Tin and Trần Hùng Duy, FYI (để cho biết)

G'day all :)

Well, my Christmas has definitely come early. Not only do we now have a debian-l10n-vietnamese list (thankyou Christian), but not only one but TWO new Vietnamese translators have volunteered!

This is great news for Debian in Vietnamese. So I am here to introduce Tin and Duy. They are based in Vietnam, so they will also be good contact and growth points for Debian and FLOSS in our country.

Tin and Duy have my permission as team leader to take on any translation tasks, including after a learning period, taking over as team leader if one of them wishes and is able to cope with that much communication in English.

As you may have gathered by now, due to illness [1] I have become unable to contribute consistently to Debian. So we are very lucky that these two people have volunteered to continue the work in Vietnamese at Debian.

(I will contribute when I can, for as long as that is possible.)

While I'm here, I'd like to wish everyone a happy festive season and a fortunate and optimistic new year. :)

from Clytie 

Vietnamese Free Software Translation Team

[1] http://www.hfme.org/

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