If replying from the -policy list, please keep either me or -devel CC'd. I'm subscribed to both -devel and -i18n. Thanks. I've updated DEP-4 to include more content around some of the issues raised so far. http://dep.debian.net/deps/dep4/ I've also done some more work on the dpkg support and it is mostly working, although my git repo is somewhat behind the current dpkg 1.15 unreleased git master code. (The changes are mostly in areas that don't affect TDebs). I'd like to ask for comments and commits to the DEP with regard to clarifications required, typos, Policy issues and other matters to help get DEP-4 ratified as a basis for TDeb support in Squeeze. Please note the extra content on timelines in the DEP - no TDebs will exist until after Squeeze, all that is needed for ratification at the moment is agreement on the goals, the changes needed in the toolchain to support migration to TDebs when users upgrade from Squeeze to Squeeze +1, to be followed by implementation of the relevant patches. >From the updated DEP: What needs to be done for Squeeze ? * tdeb binary file definition - (ratification and review) * tdeb source file definition - (development and testing) * dpkg-deb and dpkg —install support - (partially implemented in git) http://dep.debian.net/deps/dep4/#index21h2 I haven't looked into apt changes as yet - I suspect we can deal with the need to have the .tdeb downloaded at the point of extracting the templates by using suitable dependencies but I haven't tested that yet. If anyone fancies experimenting with TDeb support, use a pbuilder chroot to keep the dpkg changes isolated from your own system, build dpkg 1.15 from the git repo and install the emdebian-tdeb package so that you can use the /usr/share/emdebian-tools/dh_gentdeb and /usr/share/emdebian-tools/dpkg-gentdeb test scripts. My git foo is very poor so if there are people willing and able to help with the git-ness problems, take a look at the repo and tell me *precisely* what commands I need to fix stuff. ;-) More on that on planet.debian.org soon. -- Neil Williams ============= http://www.data-freedom.org/ http://www.nosoftwarepatents.com/ http://www.linux.codehelp.co.uk/
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