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Re: Intent to NMU slay to fix pending po-debconf l10n bugs

Quoting Pawel Wiecek (coven@vmh.net):
> Hi,
> On Aug 23,  8:38am, Christian Perrier wrote:
> > I have the intention, as part of a more general action of the Debian
> > i18n Task Force to build and possibly upload a non-maintainer upload
> > for slay in order to fix this as well as all pending translations
> > for the debconf templates.
> I think it would be better if you sent a call for translations. Uploading a
> new version just to add _one_ translation is kind of silly (OK, now there are
> two), uploading with a large number of them is much better...

That's the point of the process.

The "intent" step is what I just did, to get in touch with the
maintainer. Then, once we've settled on what you prefer, or (when
maintainers are unresponsive) after a "reasonable" delay, I send a
call for translations.

At the end of that call for translations, I either send the maintainer
a summary and leave him|her to upload, or I just NMU the package with
the received/updated translations.

However, the possibility that there is still only *one* translation
remains and, in such case, I still upload because I see no reason to
penalize a translator because no other translation came in.

In this specific case, I take your proposal as an "OK for a call for
translations" and I will therefore send one.

What has your preference: an upload by you or a NMU? I guess you
prefer uploading, right ?

PS: mush is still waiting for an upload, btw..:-)

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