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Re: Robot / Wiki-Page for packages under review in SMITH?

Quoting Helge Kreutzmann (debian@helgefjell.de):
> Hello,
> many teams use robots to track the status of po files. Now with SMITH
> there is a new status ("blocked by review"). So far, at least the
> German tracker[1] does not handle this case. I don't mind having a second
> web page (be it a robot generated, or a wiki page) to quickly find
> those po files, but of course having a single list would be
> preferable.

Something like http://i18n.debian.net/debian-l10n/english/?

> So my questions boil down to:
> a) Is there a web page (other than the overview in the list archives)
>    which enlist those packages currently under review?
> b) Would it be possible to use "tracker friendly" subjects, like those
>    used for robots (e.g. [SMITH] when starting and [NOSMITH] when
>    calling for pofiles) so that trackers could be updated to look for
>    them on this list?

Indeed, the version of the dl10n tools that are available in the
debian-l10n project CVS on Alioth do perfectly handle this by using a
"rev" status with the crawler looking at debian-l10n-english for
status messages. More particularly, the dl10n-txt utility I
personnally use to daily mail myself the status of French po-debconf and
native packages translations does handle Smith reviews, thanks to the
work of Thomas Huriaux.

You can anonymously check it out: this is the debian-l10n project on
Alioth and this is a *CVS* repo (should be moved to SVN but noone
cared to up to now).

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