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Re: syslinux F1..F6 screens

Il giorno ven, 31/08/2007 alle 12.45 +0200, Javier Fernandez-Sanguino ha
> 2007/8/31, Colin Watson <cjwatson@debian.org>:
> > I am part-way through merging the system that we use to i18nise the boot
> > screens, but generating the syslinux files correctly is a non-trivial
> > job and I have not yet finished it. This would at least allow building
> > custom images with translated boot screens.
> That would be really great. Custom images are still something people
> might like to do for "special" CDs / DVDs for trade shows,
> conferences, et al. So no having those extensions might not be much of
> an issue.

I think that translated custom images are not enought. The average user
is not able to build it's custom CD and she/he will see only the English

IIRC boot screen text is also in the installation manual and this is

At last: why Debian refused to adopt modified syslinux used in ubuntu?


Stefano Canepa aka sc: sc@linux.it  http://www.stefanocanepa.it
Three great virtues of a programmer: laziness, impatience and hubris.
Le tre grandi virtù di un programmatore: pigrizia, impazienza e
arroganza. (Larry Wall)

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