Re: iso-codes
Clytie Siddall wrote:
> I'm a little confused about which file is "iso-639-3". I translate
> the iso-codes package for Debian and the TP, and it doesn't list such
> a file. The listing (ver. 0.55) is:
> iso_3166 country names 410 strings
> iso_3166_2 state/province names 3856 strings
> iso_4217 currency names 265 strings
> iso_639 language names 484 strings
> iso_3166_2 is usually only partially-translated, since very few
> languages have equivalents for all the state/province names in the
> world.
> Which file is "iso-639-3", and where do I find it to translate it?
Alastair McKinstry can give you the real answer.
Maybe this PO file was only in the Debian iso-codes and not imported into
the TP (precisely because there's often nothing to translate), or something
like that? I don't remember it.
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