Re: Internationalization in strftime
On Thu, Nov 02, 2006 at 03:10:00PM +0000, César Enrique García Dabó wrote:
> Sorry about the disclaimer. I don't write, it is written automatically by the
> SMTP of my company..
I suggest you use a different system to send emails or use a web
frontend. You could also contact the administrator of your company but
until you do not perform one of these steps please don't post further
emails to mailing lists.
> ---------- ADVERTENCIA: La información incluida en este e-mail es
> CONFIDENCIAL, siendo para uso exclusivo del destinatario arriba
> mencionado. Si Usted lee este mensaje y no es el destinatario
> indicado, le informamos que está totalmente prohibida cualquier
> utilización, divulgación, distribución y/o reproducción de esta
> comunicación sin autorización expresa en virtud de la legislación
> vigente. Si ha recibido este mensaje por error, le rogamos nos lo
> notifique inmediatamente por esta misma vía a GRAN TELESCOPIO DE
> CANARIAS, S.A. ( y proceda a su eliminación.
First of all there are no linebreaks in the disclaimer (I added these
manually). That's why it very ugly to read. Check for example the
mailing list archive to verify this.
> DISCLAIMER: This message is intended exclusively for its addressee and
> may contain information that is CONFIDENTIAL and protected by
This violates the Debian mailing list disclaimer
"By sending an email to such a public forum, you agree to public
distribution of your article."
What now? Is it legal to further distribute your mail (as Debian
requires) or not (your disclaimer)?
> professional privilege. If you are not the intended recipient you are
> hereby notified that any dissemination, copy or disclosure of this
> communication is strictly prohibited by law. If this message has been
> received in error, please immediately notify us via e-mail to GRAN
> TELESCOPIO DE CANARIAS, S.A. ( and delete it.
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