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RFH: Rewrite of the backup-manager's templates for DTSG compliance


I'm maintainer of the backup-manager package and am aware that its
templates are badly written and are not DTSG compliant.

I'd like very much to have comments on it, or even, if you have some
time for it, a complete rewrite of it.

I'm not skilled enough in English to write good tempaltes, that's why I
request here for a bit of help.

You'll find attached to this mail the backup-manager.templates file
which needs your attention.

Please Cc me because I'm not subscribed to this list.

Thanks a lot.


                                  Alexis Sukrieh <sukria@sukria.net>

« Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur. » 
Whatever is said in Latin sounds profound.
Template: backup-manager/backup-repository
Type: string
Default: /var/archives
_Description: Where do you want to store archives?
 Where do you want backup-manager to store generated archives ?
 Note that this location should not be too small if you intent to handle a
 lot of backups.

Template: backup-manager/filetype
Type: select
Choices: tar, tar.gz, tar.bz2, zip
Default: tar.gz
_Description: Choose the archive's extension:
 You can choose to generate your archive with tar and gzip or with zip.
 Please choose the archive's file extenstion to use.

Template: backup-manager/dump_symlinks
Type: boolean
Default: false
_Description: Do you want to dereference symlinks?
 When generating the archives, it is possible for the tar, tar.gz and
 tar.bz2 filetypes to dereference the symlinks. This is a feature to use
 with care, it can lead to huge archives.

Template: backup-manager/blacklist
Type: string
Default: /var/archives
_Description: Enter the directories you don't want to archive:
 This list of directories, separated by spaces, will never be archived.

Template: backup-manager/name-format
Type: select
_Choices: long, short
Default: long
_Description: Choose the archive's name format:
 Files generated by backup-manager can be named in two formats.
 The long format is composed like that : host-full-path-to-directory.ext
 where ext depends on the zip engine you choose. For instance, /home/me
 could be archived in localhost-home-me.tar.gz.
 The short format contains just the name of the directory. For instance,
 /home/me could be named me.tar.gz.

Template: backup-manager/time-to-live
Type: string
Default: 5
_Description: Enter the number of days:
 You have to choose the number of days backup-manager will keep the files
 before purging them. For instance, if you want to have the last 10 days
 archives, enter 10. Note that if you have a lot of directories to backup,
 a big number of days could quickly generate a lots of archive files.

Template: backup-manager/directories
Type: string
Default: /etc /home
_Description: What to backup?
 Enter here a list of all the directories you want to backup.
 Note that it's better to enter lots of subdirectories instead of the
 parent in order to have more pertinent files in your backup repository.
 For instance, "/home/user1 /home/user2 /home/user3" is better than
 entering "/home".
 Note that elements are separated by spaces, not comma.

Template: backup-manager/burning-enabled
Type: boolean
Default: false
_Description: Do you want to enable automatic burning?
 backup-manager can burn archives every times it is launched.
 Be aware that choosing this option will cause backup-manager to try to
 burn daily archives on the selected media, you will then have to be sure
 that writeable media is present.

Template: backup-manager/burning-media
Type: select
Choices: cdrom, dvd
Default: cdrom
_Description: Enter the kind of media to use for burning:
 Choosing cdrom will require cdrecord to be isntalled, dvd will require
 growisofs to be installed.

Template: backup-manager/burning-device
Type: string
Default: /dev/cdrom
_Description: Enter the device to use for burning data:

Template: backup-manager/burning-maxsize
Type: string
Default: 650
_Description: Enter the maximum size of your media:
 You have to specify the maximum size of the media you will use.
 The size is in mega bytes, put only the number, whithout extension.

Template: backup-manager/burning-method
Type: select
Choices: CDRW, CDR
Default: CDRW
_Description: Choose the burning method to use when burning data:
 When burning data, backup-manager will try to burn the whole archives
 repository. If it does not fit in the media, it will try to burn only the
 daily generated archives.
 The CDRW method will first blank the media and then burn the data.
 The CDR method will only burn the data, assuming that the media is empty.

Template: backup-manager/want_to_upload
Type: boolean
Default: false
_Description: Do you want to enable the backup-manager's uploading system ?
 If you want, you can choose a remote host where archives will be
 uploaded daily (either by ftp or scp).

Template: backup-manager/transfert_mode
Type: select
Choices: scp, ftp
Default: scp
_Description: Which transfer mode do you want to use?
 You can choose the way files will be uploaded.
 If you choose the ftp mode, you'll be prompted for a password, whereas scp
 will use key authentification (see man ssh-keygen for details on scp

Template: backup-manager/upload-hosts
Type: string
_Description: Where to upload the archives?
 Enter here a list of host where backup-manager will upload daily the
 generated archives.
 Note that you can specify either FQDN or IP addresses.

Template: backup-manager/upload-user-scp
Type: string
Default: bman
_Description: Enter the scp user's login:
 To enable scp transfer, you have to set up a user which exists on both
 remote and local hosts. This is needed for key authentification.
 Note that this user must have a ssh key on the local host and the remote
 hosts must have the user's public key listed in its authorized_keys file
 (see man ssh-keygen for details).

Template: backup-manager/upload-user-scp-warning
Type: note
_Description: User does not exists!
 You have scpecified a user that does not exist on your system. Note that
 the user you choose for scp transfer has to exist on both local and
 remote hosts.
 I won't ask for a user anymore, run dpkg-reconfigure backup-manager when
 you have a valid user for scp transfer.

Template: backup-manager/upload-user-ftp
Type: string
_Description: Enter the FTP user's login:
 Enter the FTP user to use for uploading files to remote hosts.

Template: backup-manager/upload-key
Type: string
_Description: Enter the private key file to use for ssh authentification:
 Despite of the ftp transfer mode, ssh doesn't require a password. The
 authentification is based on the ssh key.
 You can specify a ssh private key to use for the scp transfer.
 Don't forget to add the user's public key to the remote host's
 authorized_keys file (see ssh-keygen (1) for details about ssh key

Template: backup-manager/upload-passwd
Type: password
_Description: Enter the FTP user's password:
 Enter the password of the FTP user to use for uploading files to remote

Template: backup-manager/upload-dir
Type: string
Default: /backup/upload
_Description: Enter the remote host's repository:
 You can choose where files will be stored on the remote host.

Template: backup-manager/cron_frequency
Type: select
__Choices: hourly, daily, weekly, monthly
Default: daily
_Description: Cron frequency: 
 Please choose the cron frequency.
 You can choose wether backup-manager should be run hourly, daily, 
 weekly or monthly.

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