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Re: Packages not using po-debconf - more active actions to come

On 02/15/05 05:04, Martin Quinson wrote:
[CC just in case the mail server would reject my tons of attachements]

I really don't have the time to help you. In attachement, several scripts
and data files I used to use while doing this job. I usual document my
scripts in english, so you all should be able to use them. If not several of
you guys speak french, don't you?

I guess I could add those files to the dl10n project. I didn't so far
because I'm an optimist thinking that this task will end one day...

Thanks for the scripts and data. This task should end. At least the "convert all existing packages to po-debconf" task. I guess there will always be some rouge packages, some maintainers are not very friendly to i18n and l10n.

Patrolling for po-debconf in new package is another task...

I dunno how do you want to organize yourselves, dudes. Maybe Christian use
the scripts and give potential targets to the others...

This could work. Although it wouldn't be hard to set some automatic mail schema to collect "intentions to work" and dumping them to the list. Anyway, Christian is the coordinator so its his call.


Lucas Wall <kthulhu@kadath.com.ar>      .''`.
Buenos Aires, Argentina                : :ø :   Debian GNU/Linux
http://www.kadath.com.ar               `. `'  http://www.debian.org
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