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[D-I] New strings in base-config (unstable branch)

After the recent survey with all D-I translators, it appeared that
most of them are indeed subscribed to debian-i18n (at least those who
act as "coordinators").

Though the survey is not finished, I will, with this mail, inaugurate
a new way to communicate with all Debian Installer translators : use
debian-i18n with a special [D-I] marker.

Now for the real information:

base-config was updated last year...:-)...and two new strings have been

This only happened in the unstable branch of the package. The sarge
branch did not get the update and will not get it (string freeze for
D-I release still active).

Translators are requested to update their translations. All D-I
translators should have commit access to base-config SVN repository
(if you don't, please ask me privately along with your Alioth login

The base-config checkout command is:

svn co svn+ssh://svn.debian.org/svn/base-config/trunk base-config

DON'T FORGET UPDATING THE debian/changelog file as well. Contrary to
debian-installer core packages, this MUST be done for base-config.

If you can't use SVN, the updated file will soon be at:


where <lang> is to be replaced by your language code

(wait for a few hours as the current files are NOT up-to-date because
of changes I did in the English version a few minutes ago)

Happy New Year 2005 to all Debian i18n contributors, with a very
special thought to our friends around the world who have been hit by
the Indian Ocean tsunami.


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