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Request for review, and eventually translations

Hello all,

Upstream has just asked all binary distributors to ask a question at
install time, so I have added another debconf question.  I had hoped
that I was in a string freeze, but there you have it.  Before I do
another upload, I wanted to ask for a peer review of these two questions
(I added another question at the same time, since I have to break the
freeze anyway).  Once peer review is over, I will be asking for fresh
translations before upload.  

I am particularly unhappy with the phrasing of the question in 'daemon',
but I think I am just too sleepy to come up with a clear concise way to
ask the question that is also not too obtuse for a beginner.  I am also
worried that the list in the freshclam question may be too long, but I
am not sure what happens with wraps in a Choices: field.

I am not subscribed to the list, so please cc me in replies.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
|   ,''`.					     Stephen Gran |
|  : :' :					 sgran@debian.org |
|  `. `'			Debian user, admin, and developer |
|    `-					    http://www.debian.org |
Template: clamav-freshclam/extra_groups
Type: string
_Description: Groups for clamav-daemon (space-seperated):
 Please enter any extra groups for clamd.
 Clamd runs as a non-priviledged user by default.  If you need clamd to
 be able to access files owned by another user (e.g., in combination with
 an MTA), then you will need to add clamd to the group for that piece of 
 software.  Please list the extra groups here.
Template: clamav-freshclam/local_mirror
Type: select
_Choices: local, ar, au, ca, cn, cr, cz, de, dk, fr, hu, id, ie, jp, nl, pl, pt, se, sg, tr, ua, uk, us
Default: local
_Description: Local database mirror site:
 Please select the closest local mirror site.
 Freshclam updates it's database from a world wide network of mirror 
 sites.  Please select the mirror closest to you.  If you leave it at
 the default setting, an attempt will be made to provide you with a
 nearby mirror, but this attempt may not always provide you with the 
 closest mirror site.

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