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Re: [I18n]Re: Thai XIM

Once in debian galaxy, I heard Tomohiro KUBOTA say

> Thus, I'd like some Thai people to test "mlterm" and read reports
> from them.  Debian package of mlterm version 1.9.47 will available
> in a few days (I uploaded it yesterday).  The upstream web page of
> mlterm is:
>     http://mlterm.dnsalias.net/ken/mlterm/mlterm.shtml
> Note that "tis620-0" fonts are not supported yet.

tis620-0 is the offical one. please patch the code I'll try the mlterm
soon. I think it is the same as tis620.2533-1, just the naming that is


| May Debian be with you ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ chanop@debian.org|
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ http://thai.anu.edu.au|

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