debian-hurd Sep 2015 by subject
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[PATCH] fix clisp build issues
Bug#799883: [PATCH 0/2] Support probing on the Hurd
Bug#799883: [PATCH 1/2] Treat *-{i386,amd64} as x86
Bug#799883: [PATCH 2/2] Support probing on the Hurd
Bug#799883: [PATCH v2 0/2] Support probing on the Hurd
Bug#799883: [PATCH v2 1/2] Treat *-{i386,amd64} as x86
Bug#799883: [PATCH v2 2/2] Support probing on the Hurd
Bug#799883: [PATCH v3 0/2] Support probing on the Hurd
Bug#799883: [PATCH v3 1/2] Treat *-{i386,amd64} as x86
Bug#799883: [PATCH v3 2/2] Support probing on the Hurd
Failure: g-i-installation_debian_jessie_hurd_lxde/53
Failure: g-i-installation_debian_jessie_hurd_lxde/61
Failure: g-i-installation_debian_jessie_hurd_lxde/63
Re: fakeroot broken on Debian GNU/Hurd? (zsh builds hangs inside configure script)
Fixed: g-i-installation_debian_jessie_hurd_lxde/52
Fixed: g-i-installation_debian_jessie_hurd_lxde/54
Fixed: g-i-installation_debian_jessie_hurd_lxde/60
Fixed: g-i-installation_debian_jessie_hurd_lxde/62
gnumach_1.5+git20150922-1_hurd-i386.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
hurd_0.6.git20150922-1_hurd-i386.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
mig_1.5-3_hurd-i386.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
mig_1.5-4_hurd-i386.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
mig_1.5-5_hurd-i386.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
More fakeroot issues
netdde_0.0.20150828-2+b1_hurd-i386.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Processing of gnumach_1.5+git20150922-1_hurd-i386.changes
Processing of hurd_0.6.git20150922-1_hurd-i386.changes
Processing of mig_1.5-3_hurd-i386.changes
Processing of mig_1.5-4_hurd-i386.changes
Processing of mig_1.5-5_hurd-i386.changes
Processing of netdde_0.0.20150828-2+b1_hurd-i386.changes
Re: RFC: [PATCH] SCM_CREDS support
Segfault in system("gcc ....")
Re: Sound on GNU/Hurd
The last update was on 06:00 GMT Tue Jun 04. There are 47 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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