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Re: CPU % disappears after hurd-0.5 update

Sorry, just looked at it again - managed to leave off -c. All good. Thanks for your help!

(and that recent procfs patch fixed up the mtab spam issue)

On 13 October 2013 12:27, James Haggerty <james.haggerty@gmail.com> wrote:
Excellent, thanks. htop now good, though top still bails:

jamesh@gurdy:~$ top
Error, do this: mount -t proc proc /proc


Re mtab, I was more surprised that /hurd/term someone didn't cause a df error!

Unrelated: does your recent patch fixes the 'wow, now I have 30 mtab processes' problem?

On 13 October 2013 11:02, Richard Braun <rbraun@sceen.net> wrote:
On Sun, Oct 13, 2013 at 09:42:30AM +1100, James Haggerty wrote:
> Just did an apt-get update, apt-get upgrade, and everything seemed to go
> smoothly except that top now crashes and htop doesn't show cpu %. I'm
> assuming /proc has started to deliver something funny. I set it up before
> the update like this:
> sudo settrans -fgap /proc /hurd/procfs -c
> So maybe I broke it. Any ideas?

Not sure why it hasn't been done, but you actually need to tell procfs
the PID of the kernel task now, so something like this :

settrans -g /proc /hurd/procfs -c -k 3

> On the plus side, /proc/mounts is now delivering something (thanks, mtab!),
> though df wants to find out how much space is free on /dev/cons for some
> reason.

df looks at /proc/mounts, which is implemented by the mtab translator,
which recursively asks for translator information. Not all of them are
regular file systems. Also, it doesn't work on /home (or any passive
translator yet), be patient, these will get fixed eventually.

Richard Braun

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