Re: Packages remaining at debian-ports
On Thu, 2012-01-26 at 19:10 +0100, Pino Toscano wrote:
> Alle giovedì 26 gennaio 2012, Svante Signell ha scritto:
> > x gch6, still unsolved!
> theorically this version in ports could be just dropped, as it's
> a) uninstallable
Yes it is not installable due to dependency on libhdf5-dev, which is no
longer available.
> b) most probably buggy
Haven't tried with that version yet.
> and instead cross-build (not cross-compile) the latest ghc 6 (as ghc 7
> does not seem to be easily cross-buildable) from another architecture
What do you mean by cross-build? I think I know what cross-compile is,
but not cross-build. I've been working on building 6.10.1+dfsg1-5 with
6.8.2dfsg1-1.1 for a long time now without luck.
The latest try was today, ending with:
Bad interface file: dist-stage1/build/Outputable.hi
dist-stage1/build/Outputable.hi: openBinaryFile: failed
((ipc/send) interrupted)
<<ghc: 31027388 bytes, 6 GCs, 114688/131072 avg/max bytes residency (2
samples), 32M in use, 0.00 INIT (0.01 elapsed), 0.24 MUT (1.61 elapsed),
0.04 GC (0.29 elapsed) :ghc>>
make[3]: *** [dist-stage1/build/CgForeignCall.o] Error 1
> > sudo: ports: 1.8.3-2 sid: 1.8.3-3: FTBFS: build-dep on
> > libselinux1-dev
> I see an empty folder in the pool?
The -2 version is the latest Hurd version in sid, sorry.
> anyway, it's #655894
I missed that bug report, it was serious, not important, thanks.
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