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Re: K16 QEmu Image available


Michael Banck wrote:
> I assembled a qemu image based on the K16 mini-ISO.  It contains a 2 GB
> file system image, initially taking up around 160 MB of real space after
> decompressing the tarball[1].  You can find the image here:
> http://ftp.debian-ports.org/debian-cd/K16/debian-hurd-k16-qemu.img.tar.gz
> It has booting via Grub and networking setup so one can conveniently
> explore Debian GNU/Hurd without any further need to install or initially
> configure the image.

It is wonderful!

If possible, could you support VMware image officially?

I have personally uploaded VMware image.

If VMware image is also supported officially, a lot of people will be
able to use Hurd in a virtual environment.


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