K16 QEmu Image available
I assembled a qemu image based on the K16 mini-ISO. It contains a 2 GB
file system image, initially taking up around 160 MB of real space after
decompressing the tarball[1]. You can find the image here:
It has booting via Grub and networking setup so one can conveniently
explore Debian GNU/Hurd without any further need to install or initially
configure the image.
The image just ships the base system as installed by the mini-ISO,
additional packages can be easily downloaded via apt-get if the host
system is connected to the internet.
The root password is emtpy, there are no users yet, the time zone is set
to UTC, the hostname to "" and the ftp.uk.debian.org mirror is selected.
Run dpkg-reconfigure tzdata to change the timezone.
I made notes on how I assembled the image for possible later snapshots
and will put those up on the wiki shortly.
[1] The image is provided as a gzipped tarball to transparently take
advantage of the sparse file system image. Just gunzipping a gzipped
qemu image would result in a real 2 GB image. Thanks to Samuel Thibault
for support on this.
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