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Re: Network setup.

Jonathan Daugherty wrote:

The hurd install guides say that I must watch carefully during boot to
see if my network card (a linksys card) is detected.  Is there no log
which I can check for the same messages?

We have /dev/klog. It can be read only once. So do
cat /dev/klog > boot.log
Hit Ctrl-C afeter some seconds.
(of course: Read the log ;-) )

That is, ifconfig shows no
interfaces other than lo.  If mach does not detect my card during
boot, must I rebuild the kernel -- or is there a way to dynamically
load a driver module?

GNUMach has no concept of kernel modules. Yes, you have to rebuild your kernel. But you can do this on a Linux system.

Engineers motto:  | Patrick Strasser
[ ] cheap         | <past at sbox dot tugraz dot at>
[ ] good          |
[ ] fast          | Student of Telematik
-> choose any two | Techn. University Graz, Austria

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