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Re: porting nethack-3.4.0 to the Hurd: partial results

Le 2002.06.14 17:34, Wolfgang Jährling a écrit :
PUYDT Julien <julien.puydt@club-internet.fr> wrote:
> As a beginner, I would be happy to have some advice/comment...

To make the getresuid () function behave like the according Linux
system call (and make it slightly more robost), it should be done
like that
(same for getresgid ()).  Oh, and I also made a small mistake when I
told you to use 0, as the size is also a pointer.

Those params where not explicit in auth.defs either...
How could I know they were needed? (honest question, not aggressive)

 But as you forgot to pass the second argument to munmap (), your
code shouldn't even have compiled...

It did compile. And I didn't really forget the second argument. I'm a newbie both to
the hurd and to C programming, so I don't know how to manage memory.
You(Wolfgang) told me to use munmap, I did the obvious; it was bad but it
compiled, so I guess it is a case of beginner's luck ;-)

Of course, this is untested.

My post was perhaps unclear: I only _compiled_ successfully, I had not
made packages, and not run anything. So in a sense that was untested

<snip of the source of a correct function to use auth ids>

I understand what was done in that function and understand what my function lacked; you'll find the new patch adding GNU support to nethack-3.4.0.orig attached. The patch to debianize the nethack-3.4.0+gnu hasn't changed, it can be found in my previous post.

I have done something more than modifying my patch (and you'll easily
understand why I do not give a patch for that): I butchered the
debian/rules to be able to build the packages without qt. This, with
some magic symlinking of X libs to /lib, made it possible to _test_ the
execs. And I can now tell you:
- nethack-x11 works;
- I still suck at nethack;
- nethack-gnome works;
- I'm not better with the gnome variant.

Thanks again to Wolfgang!

Snark on #hurd, #hurdfr

Attachment: nethack-3.4.0+gnu.diff.bz2
Description: BZip2 compressed data

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