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Re: Setting up oskit + oskit-mach source tree for debugging

> I think you misunderstood my question. I'm sure you know that
> gdb will display the source code of your program while you
> step through it. I am debugging the oskit-mach kernel, and
> I can follow the kernel source except when it calls an oskit
> function, I just wondered where the oskit source should be
> placed in relation to oskit-mach so that gdb can jump into
> the source code properly.

This is a general issue with gdb.  Its search path (the "dir" command)
needs to have either the build directory where each module was compiled
(the directory that was current when the compiler was called) or each
source directory containing any source file.  The former is the smaller set
of directories.  But for the oskit, the directory in question differs for
the different parts of the code, i.e. the -loskit_foo library and all the
functions in it generally were compiled in the <build>/foo directory or
something like that.  So there are many directories you need.

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