Status update
Okay, so here's a snapshot of what's happening over the next month and
a bit or so:
By the 15th, I will have moved my turtle box to another facility and
will be disconnecting my Internet access at home.
On the 21st, I fly to New York.
>From the 26th to the 10th, I will be on vacation.
I will not have a computer at first in New York, so expect me back
online around the 15th of August.
I will be unsubscribing from most of the lists, if you need to get an
email to me in that time, please send it *directly* to my account: I will answer anytime I can find my way to a
The autobuilder will continue to run from Canada until I can make some
arrangements to get a nice computer in New York. It's just not worth
shipping it.
To do this well, I need a serial console (I'm going to go buy an X10
or something with serial access and power control). So, I'll play
with that a bit next week. If this doesn't work, I've got someone
who's willing to reboot the machine twice a day for me, but I'd rather
that we didn't need to do that.
It would also be good if there's a Debian developer who's willing to
sign packages while I'm away. Email me privately if you're
Questions? Let me know.
Jeff Bailey
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