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Trouble with oskit-mach

Hi all

I've been attempting to get oskit-mach up and running but get stuck at
booting. I configured CVS oskit-mach to use floppy, ide, ne2k and
ne2kpci drivers, put the compiled oskit-mach in /boot and this in my
GRUB menu.lst:

title   GNU/Hurd (oskit-mach multi-user)
root    (hd0,2)
kernel  /boot/oskit-mach root=hd0s3
module  /boot/serverboot.gz

which is just the same as my gnumach entry except having
/boot/gnumach.gz changed to /boot/oskit-mach.

When I select oskit-mach from the GRUB menu, the machine restarts
straight away. I've looked through the sparse docs but to no avail. Any


Bob Ham:  bob@ham.org  http://pkl.net/~node/
IRC: 'node' on irc.openprojects.net: #slashdot  ICQ: 4396425 'node'

"The GNU philosophy is about freedom. To be free one must have
personal power. Personal power is an individual thing, difficult to
obtain and quick to perish." --Krisno Pryosusilo

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