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Re: ping: socket: translator died

On Sun, Sep 17, 2000 at 09:55:42PM +1100, Glenn McGrath wrote:
> Im trying to get my network setup, my rtl8139 card is detected on
> bootup, i have tried setting up a translator by doing
> settrans -fg /servers/socket/2 /hurd/pfinet --interfaces=eth0
> --address= --gateway= --netmask=
> When i run this command it takes me directly back to the command prompt,
> no message to say if it did or didnt do anything, when i do a ps aux
> there is mention of /hurd/pflocal, but no mention of /hurd pfinet,
> should there be ?

No, it is started dynamically on request. What you did with settrans is to
install a passive translator, which is justa string in the inode (eh, a
pointer to a block with a string of course). The inode you wrote it in is
/servers/socket/2, and the string you wrote is:

/hurd/pfinet --interfaces=eth0 etc etc

On the first access of /servers/socket/2 (for example, stat or open), glibc
will start the translator with the given arguments (/hurd/pfinet ...) and
forwards the file operations to the translator, which can process them.

As writing the translator setting is fast, it returns immediately. As you
didn't access /servers/socket/2, it doesn't show up in the process table.

The -a option Neal suggested sets the active translator, which just means to
start up the translator immediately, not writing the string in the inode.
-ap does both (active and passive). -fg just "forces" any old translators to
"go away".
> if i try and ping i get the error message "ping: socket:
> translator died", i assume i can giveup trying to get eth0 working
> untill i can get localhost working.

You can for example check if pfinet accepted all your arguments by running
it directly:

/hurd/pfinet --interfaces=eth0 ...
/hurd/pfinet: --interfaces: unrecognized option

(see /hurd/pfinet --help)

But if it says "Must be started as translator" all is well so far. If it
still dies, run it as -a as Neal suggested to see other error messages.

> Is there any way to get more info on what translators are doing (or not
> doing) apart from ps ?

Yes. You can manipulate a running translator with "fsysopts".

(from memory, so probably a bit wrong)
$ fsysopts /
/hurd/ext2fs /dev/hdc6 --readonly --sync=5
$ fsysopts / --writable
$ fsysopts /
/hurd/ext2fs /dev/hdc6 --writable --sync=5

etc. There is also showtrans to check for translators.

> On the bright side i had a go at compiling busybox (used by
> boot-floppies, busybox.lineo.com) i think most of them will work without
> much effort at all.

Great. I didn't find a Debian package for it, is it included in


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