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Re: Root device doesn't exist

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On 2000-09-13 at 23:24 Marcus Brinkmann wrote:

>Can you try to check out a CVS version from 2000-07-28 and compile
>gnumach? Then boot it? If not, let me know and I will compile a test
>kernel for you.

I don't have a full development environment yet in the Hurd
installation, since my net connection is rather slow --telco
monopolies here in NL--, but I do have a Debian GNU/Linux 2.2
installation. I'm surely missing cross-compilation tools for Hurd
though, and my experience with those is limited. So I think it is
quicker if you can compile a test kernel for me, and mail it.

It would be nice though, if you could point me to some docs on how to
install cross-compilation stuff for Hurd on Linux, or was this
already discussed previously on the list? I can also simply download
the development packages for Hurd, but I've read somewhere that
compiling is rather slow on Hurd at the moment, and therefore not
really preferable.

- --
Dimitry Andric <dim@xs4all.nl>
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Comment: http://www.gn.apc.org/duncan/stoa_cover.htm


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