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kernel halts during first boot


>>>>> "Stefan" == Stefan Rieken <StefanRieken@SoftHome.net> writes:

    Stefan> The HURD booted, with the usual stampede of kernel
    Stefan> information, but it halted after: SCSI: 0 hosts SCSI:
    Stefan> detected total.

    Stefan> Browsing through mailing lists, it seems that I am not the
    Stefan> first one with a kernel that halted exactly there, but it
    Stefan> also wasn't like the whole world suffered from
    Stefan> it. Retrying had the same results. No real error messages,

	Yes, that was me.  I still havent solved the problem.  I tried
with the tarball too.  I have no idea what is going on and am
disappointed that no one has bothered to respond.  I understand that
the developers are really busy.  But it is painful to have gotten so
close and yet not be able to run hurd.


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