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Easy Install tweaks

Just wanted to share a few things I noticed about
the "Easy Install" doc. Some of them are not strictly
related to Debian, but I'm too lazy to write two emails. ;)

BTW, I'm using the deb install not the tarballs.

In "Second - Make a partition":

>mke2fs -o hurd /dev/hdb1

Should be "mke2fs -O none -o hurd /dev/hdb1". The ext2 problem
has been discussed on this list before, but the docs have
not been updated

In "Fifth - The single-user boot":

> kernel=/boot/gnumach root=hd1s1 -s
> module=/boot/serverboot

I had to append a ".gz" to the end of gnumach and serverboot.

Also, native-install reported error messages when installing
quite a few of the debs. I don't remember reading about
this being a problem, but I have to admit that I have not
had the time to follow the list that closely as of late. 

In "Sixth - Make devices, and more configuration"

It appears as tho native-install also kicks off a script
to do the MAKEDEVs. I don't know if I have to explicitly
issue some more MAKEDEV's for my drives or not. The docs
could be a little more clear in regards to this step.

Lastly, I got impatient during the install and before doing
the series of settrans commands to setup the network I tried
to "ping". I then had to reboot because ping
was repeatedly reporting "Network unreachable" errors and
Ctrl-C would not kill the ping thus I lost control of my shell.
Ctrl-Alt-Del would not work for reboot, but perhaps the Hurd
does not have that feature. 

One thing that I think would be nice to link off of the Easy Guide
is a "walkthrough" like what OpenBSD has on their page. It's just
a script of the stdout during the install, but it helps a newbie
get an idea of what is "normal" looking and what is not. 

Anyway...that's my quick flyby. Here's to the weekend getting here 
quickly so I can maybe get started hacking. :)

Nathan Valentine - nrvale0@uky.edu
University of Kentucky Distributed Computing Systems Lab
AIM: NRVesKY ICQ: 39023424

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