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Re: libnss-2 problems?

Am Don, 02 Nov 2000 03:51:35 schrieb Daniel Burrows:
>   There were a lot of dependency issues when I installed (I used
> which I assume are just transient things in the archive (eg, the debconf
> that will hopefully be fixed soon)  I got one assertion failure in dpkg
> (1.6.999, "depentry<=4") when installing apt, but forcing depends fixed
> that.

dpkg 1.6.999 has several bugs and is highly experimental. It's coming
straight from CVS, so go figure. debconf will be uploaded tonight or earlier.

>   Anyway, the specific thing I'm wondering about is whether something is
> weird with libnss and maybe some other stuff.  When I run many programs
> as apt), I get fatal errors about "failure to dlopen libnss2" (or something
> to that effect, I'll post a more concrete message from the Hurd system if
> specific information is needed)

Have you installed libnss-db? It is required by glibc, I think.
But it seems to be broken anyway. As a work around, remove the db
entries in /etc/nsswitch.conf.

>   Also, how does uploading a package for the Hurd work?  Am I correct in
> guessing that I can just build it and upload it as usual, or is something
> tricky necessary?  (eg, setting the distribution to "sid")  I'd like to
> Hurd versions of as many of my packages as possible (aptitude in particular;
> the others are mostly games and I don't know whether the necessary
> infrastructure (ggi, svgalib, sdl, mikmod) exists on the Hurd..)

You are a Debian maintainer, you can upload. As soon as more people
start uploading, we might organize this a bit, so we don't work on the
same packages. Everything not part of the base or core tool chain is
fair game for everyone. aptitude did not build out of the box
(my local autobuilder tried,maybe a library dev package was not installed).

svgalib is dummy only. You might want to port it. svgatextmode was ported,
and X was, so it shouldn't be too hard to figure it out.

>   umm..what else..oh: Has anyone tried to build libsigc++ on the Hurd?  The
> next major aptitude version will be heavily dependent on it, and I'd like to
> be able to compile on the Hurd if possible.

You will get the first chance :)


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