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Reporting some bugs

Ok, I have found others bugs/problems:
I tried to install a .deb from my cdrom, but I got this error:
~# dpkg -i lynx_2.8.2-2.deb
dpkg-deb: fgetpos failed
~# fsysopt /cdrom
/hurd/isofs --readonly --sync=5 /dev/hd2

dpkg -i don't bother if the package is already installed.

I tried to install apache:
apache-common depend on perl but there is no package perl (i have installed
perl-base and perl-5). Forced
apache depend on libc.so.6. I have ln libc.so.0.2 to libc.so.6. I know it's
bad ... Apache installed, I tried to launch it, but it freezes, I wasn't
able to kill it (control-c ...). Reboot, starting network, it tried to
launch apache (same freeze, I know now it was my resolv.conf). Reboot,
tried to start single with -s. Error fsck, ask me for my root password, but
the keyboard was frozen, Reboot under linux, and delete apache from rc*.d.
Reboot, but the file /etc/nologin was here, and Hurd says me in loop:
"System bootup in progress - please wait". reboot i deleted /etc/nologin*
. Now apache died because of a lack of a feature in the kernel. I will try
another time with the version which was patched.

Ok. I return to my tests.

Thomas Poindessous
Eleve en 1ere annee d'ingenieur a l'Epita

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