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Re: "New" Installation Method of the Hurd, please tes, develop and comment

>>>>> Roland McGrath writes:

 > Daniel Burrows:
 >> Someone also mentioned that it might be possible to boot the Hurd
 >> from a subdirectory of an ext2 filesystem (as if it were in a
 >> chrooted environment..)
 >> What's the status of that?  (and if support isn't explicitly
 >> there..

 RM> I'm not sure how well it's been tested, but it is all there.

I've tried it out a few times, and it worked fine as far as actually
running the Hurd.  To make Roland's instructions more explicit:

In /boot/grub/menu.lst:

title=	      GNU/Hurd in /gnu
root=	      (hd0,0)
kernel=	      /boot/gnumach root=hd0s3
module=       /boot/serverboot

Then, in /dev/hd0s3/boot/servers.boot:

# Root fs is ${root-device}/gnu
/gnu/hurd/ext2fs.static --bootflags=${boot-args}
--host-priv-port=${host-port} --device-master-port=${device-port}
--exec-server-task=${exec-task} -Tdevice ${root-device} --chroot=gnu
$(task-create) $(task-resume)

# Exec server
/gnu/lib/ld.so.1 /hurd/exec $(exec-task=task-create)

# Swap partition
/dev/hd0s2 $(add-linux-paging-file) $(default-pager)

All the other Hurd files are located in the /gnu subdirectory of the
/dev/hd0s3 partition, which is my Linux root partition.  As Roland
said, make sure you run `e2os /dev/hda3 hurd' before you try booting.

 RM> You should realize that there is substantially more risk to your
 RM> existing filesystem this way than giving the Hurd its own
 RM> filesystem in one way or another.  It has been a very long time
 RM> since anyone has seen a Hurd bug that scribbled on a filesystem,
 RM> but if the Hurd scribbles on your filesystem it could in theory
 RM> get corrupted such that you lose data from the other directories
 RM> on the filesystem (your Linux portion).

Back when I was testing it (in November, 1998), I found ext2fs would
sometimes clobber a file and turn it into an unremovable block or
character device.  I couldn't figure out how to reproduce it, so I
didn't report it, and soon afterward I started using a separate Hurd
partition.  It may already be fixed, but please tell me if you run
into a similar bug.

Here are some examples, that I still have on my filesystem:

ajax:~$ ls -l /lost+found/bin/
total 3873009170
b--sr-Srwx   1 25193    14387    116, 115 Jun  1  2032 cut
br-xr---wT   1 12845    27951    101, 115 Feb 18  1994 esdcat
b--Sr-sr-t   1 30565    28257     49,  46 Mar 12  1995 gnome-help-browser
br-Sr-xr-x   1 14387    11878     99, 114 Nov 29  2031 rgview
br--r-S---   1 26723    24424     95, 104 Aug  3  2020 tload
ajax:~$ stat /lost+found/bin/*
  File: "/lost+found/bin/cut"
  Size: 775040355  Blocks: 1751343469Block Device
Access: (6147/b--sr--rwx)         Uid: (25193/ UNKNOWN)  Gid: (14387/ UNKNOWN)
Device: 770        Inode: 368844     Links: 1     Device type: 29811
Access: Thu Feb  2 13:10:41 1995
Modify: Tue Jun  1 22:00:36 2032
Change: Sat Aug 21 06:17:38 2027

  File: "/lost+found/bin/esdcat"
  Size: 825110830  Blocks: 1634545512Block Device
Access: (1542/br-xr---w-)         Uid: (12845/ UNKNOWN)  Gid: (27951/ UNKNOWN)
Device: 770        Inode: 368841     Links: 1     Device type: 25971
Access: Sat Jan 24 18:22:07 2026
Modify: Fri Feb 18 01:47:01 1994
Change: Tue May 20 23:28:12 2025

  File: "/lost+found/bin/gnome-help-browser"
  Size: 544632074  Blocks: 1667393900Block Device
Access: (7055/b---r-sr-t)         Uid: (30565/ UNKNOWN)  Gid: (28257/ UNKNOWN)
Device: 770        Inode: 368846     Links: 1     Device type: 12590
Access: Fri Jan 20 19:41:01 1995
Modify: Sun Mar 12 16:15:15 1995
Change: Sat Mar 11 22:15:44 1995

  File: "/lost+found/bin/rgview"
  Size: 1634545462 Blocks: 757102189 Block Device
Access: (4455/br--r-xr-x)         Uid: (14387/ UNKNOWN)  Gid: (11878/ UNKNOWN)
Device: 770        Inode: 368843     Links: 1     Device type: 25458
Access: Tue Jan 18 09:50:59 2028
Modify: Sat Nov 29 06:36:56 2031
Change: Mon Sep 21 02:25:05 2020

  File: "/lost+found/bin/tload"
  Size: 1999052911 Blocks: 1935633267Block Device
Access: (2440/br--r-----)         Uid: (26723/ UNKNOWN)  Gid: (24424/ UNKNOWN)
Device: 770        Inode: 368845     Links: 1     Device type: 24424
Access: Wed Sep 23 08:53:25 2020
Modify: Mon Aug  3 08:34:27 2020
Change: Fri Oct 15 05:56:17 2021


 Gordon Matzigkeit <gord@fig.org>  //\ I'm a FIG (http://www.fig.org/)
Committed to freedom and diversity \// I use GNU (http://www.gnu.org/)

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