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A bit more info...


you'll notice that the perl version distributed with gnu-0.2 is not
compatible with the dpkg scripts. You'll need to add


on top of the files dpkg-{shlibdeps,gencontrol,distaddfile} to make them

You'll notice the following problems, too:

shlibdeps will complain abput ldd (indeed, ldd will hang your machine if
executed). Replace ldd with a short shell script:

echo " statically linked"

Note the leading space in the string, it is important to match the regular

dpkg-source, invoked either with the -x or -b option, seems to hang the
machine (could someon verify that it not just needs a long time?). I didn't
debug it yet, so I don't know what's happening. Somebody else, please?

dpkg-deb -b
Everytime I try to build a package with "dpkg --build" or "dpkg-deb -b", it
aborts, because the subprocess "gzip -9y" gets signal Segmentation Fault.
This is hard to debug inside gdb, because gdb crashes. (Damn modularization
of dpkg :) Somebody with debugging experiences should look into this, so we
get an idea what is happening there (seems to be in libc.so, maybe
threading of hurd -- I had compilation warnings about this).

Overall stability
This maybe related to the two errors above: We need latest libc versions
as fast as possible. We need a working linker. If someone has a bit time,
lots of disk space and a good net connection, please compile libc6 and ldso
(probably with debugging symbols) and latest perl.

Okay, so far,

"Rhubarb is no Egyptian god."        Debian GNU/Linux        finger brinkmd@ 
Marcus Brinkmann                   http://www.debian.org    master.debian.org
Marcus.Brinkmann@ruhr-uni-bochum.de                        for public  PGP Key
http://homepage.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/Marcus.Brinkmann/       PGP Key ID 36E7CD09

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