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Re: Dpkg for Hurd

   From: "Fulgham, Brent/SCO" <BFulgham@CH2M.com>
   Date: Thu, 16 Jul 1998 13:31:38 -0600

   > If statements in #!/bin/sh scripts won't work properly till this
   > is fixed.  && and || will be useless as well.  Installations won't
   > be reliable, and it will be pure luck (or a lot of manual work) if
   > you manage to install a working system.

   This is a serious issue.  I think we need some feedback from bug-hurd
   folks as to whether this is a desirable choice for some reason.  Is this
   a bug in their implementation of sh or bash?  Or is it imbedded in glibc

I'm not entirely sure I understand.  I know for certain that autoconf
tests work just fine, and they rely on exit statuses.

I wasn't privy to the previous discussion before Brent's mail; can
someone mail to bug-hurd a simple test case?

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