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Re: Request for better GnuMach/Hurd Information


>>>>> James Taylor writes:

 JT> I don't think packaging the gnu-0.2 release is at all worth
 JT> packaging.  However I don't think that is our aim. I thought it
 JT> was clear that we will work with more recent snapshots which Gord
 JT> will make available (am I missinterpreting your prior statements
 JT> to this effect?).

I'm not the one making them available, I'm simply petitioning the
people with access to make regular (i.e. daily or weekly) snapshots.
I myself do not have access to the latest Hurd sources, because I
don't have the time to deal with AFS.

If anybody wants to help in this process, I think Brent's approach is
the right one: make your intentions known to bug-hurd@gnu.org, and
something should happen.

Unfortunately, I'm not in a position to do the work myself.

 Gordon Matzigkeit <gord@fig.org> //\ I'm a FIG (http://www.fig.org/)
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