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Request for better GnuMach/Hurd Information

I would like to make a public request that the hurd development team
provide better access to their mailing list archives and their current
development state.  I'm posting it here (debian-hurd) first to solicit
feedback from the other Debian volunteers as to whether this is
appropriate or not.

I have visited their "development" directory and their "current" mailing
list archives, and find that both are stagnant as of 8 months ago (for
the mailing lists) and about 3 months ago (for the hurd/gnumach ftp

We are told that development has continued "at a private server", but we
aren't given access to any of this.  If we are going to produce a hurd
distribution, I would like to be working from the latest patched
version.  If all they want is a debianized distribution of the gnu-0.2
archive, we can do that.  However, I feel like it's a waste of time.

Based on my experience (minimal) using the hurd distribution, there are
serious performance and stability issues.  I realize that this is a
relatively new kernel, and that some leeway is warranted, but there are
non-trivial issues with port-leaking that made it impossible (at least
for me) to compile ncurses (a fairly small library) natively under
gnu-0.2.  Perhaps some of these things have been fixed in the current
release, but I can't get the contents of Gord's GHHK disks to work with
the gnu-0.2 distribution and so I can't tell.

I am starting to question whether the hurd, in the gnu-0.2 state, is
worth packaging.  Most people wishing to use a packaged binary
distribution will be expecting more stability than I am currently
experiencing.  I think that with current snapshots we might see some
better resource handling.

Does anyone else have comments on this?


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