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Re: access to hppa machine

On Wed, Jan 24, 2007 at 11:13:48AM +0100, Joachim Reichel wrote:
> Hi Seb and Jens,
> >What rights do you need : normal user ?
> Basically I just need g++ and the build-depends of cgal, no special 
> privileges. The box should run testing or unstable (or chroot).
> >I've a C7500 you could use.
> I don't have a clue what C7500 or 712/80 means ;-) The faster the 
> better. A total disk size of 2GB (Jens) might be too small, but I will 
> try if there is no other way.
> Cheers,
>   Joachim

C3700 : PA8700 - 750Mhz 2gb RAM with 16gb harddisk

I have 2gb of disk on the /home and can install anything u need.

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