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Hi free people!

Well i suscribed to this list because i wanted to install debian on my
HP 9000 D 280....and find no way to get it to work.

I am trying to install from iso image
debian-31r4-hppa-businesscard.iso and it hangs when trying to load
Zolan7xx device driver around 89% of .

Does anyone know why it happen?

If you need more info please ask.

Thanks a lot!!!

  .''`.   John Doe
 : :' :   LUGS: http://www.cafelug.org.ar/ | http://www.lugsam.org.ar/
 `. ``    BLOG: http://www.los10binarios.com.ar/
   `-     HOME: http://www.j0hnd0e.com.ar/
          UIN: 92831439
          JID: john-doe[AT]jabber[DOT]org
          MSN: dspesm123456[AT]hotmail[DOT]com
          "Experiencia compartida, es experiencia adquirida."

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