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Re: tulip as module in kernel 2.6

On Sun, Nov 14, 2004 at 11:34:58AM +0100, Joerg Pareigis wrote:
> > You probably also need to add "initrd=" to the palo "kernel command line"
> > and "--ramdisk" paramater when running the user space palo command.
> > See "palo --help".
> > 
> Yes I did.
> I added "initrd" in palo.conf:
> "--commandline=2/vmlinux root=/dev/sda4 HOME=/ initrd=2/initrd.img"
> BTW: I currently don't understand what the "--ramdisk" entry is good for?

Did you already RTFM?
I can explain if you can point out which part of the palo documentation
isn't clear.

> Why should this load the tulip-driver? Unless I insert it in 
> /etc/mkinitrd/modules and run mkinitrd...

Exactly...then it could be loaded early. If tulip driver is
available on the root disk, then IIRC "hotplug" package could
autoload PCI drivers. I think adding "tulip" to /etc/modules file
would force it to be loaded at boot time (after regular root is mounted).

If it's a problem of drivers getting loaded such that ethX interfaces
are getting renamed, than nameif (net-tools package) could help.


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