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Re: tulip as module in kernel 2.6

On Sun, 14 Nov 2004, Grant Grundler wrote:

> > > You probably also need to add "initrd=" to the palo "kernel command line"
> > > and "--ramdisk" paramater when running the user space palo command.
> > > See "palo --help".
> > > 
> > Yes I did.
> > I added "initrd" in palo.conf:
> > "--commandline=2/vmlinux root=/dev/sda4 HOME=/ initrd=2/initrd.img"
> > BTW: I currently don't understand what the "--ramdisk" entry is good for?
> Did you already RTFM?
Yes, of course.

> I can explain if you can point out which part of the palo documentation
> isn't clear.
If I use the "initrd" statement at the commandline like above and run 
palo, the system cames up with the specified initial ramdisk.
So, in which case should I use the "--ramdisk" parameter?
Is it to put the IRD to the F0-partition?

> > Why should this load the tulip-driver? Unless I insert it in 
> > /etc/mkinitrd/modules and run mkinitrd...
> Exactly...then it could be loaded early. If tulip driver is
> available on the root disk, then IIRC "hotplug" package could
> autoload PCI drivers. I think adding "tulip" to /etc/modules file
> would force it to be loaded at boot time (after regular root is mounted).
Yes, I think the entry in /etc/modules is the best way to use it.
But, in my opinion, this should be add in the warning message for update 
to kernel 2.6 to protect other users to run in this failure such as me.
Because kernel 2.4 include the module and 2.6 does not, the users should 
be informed.

MfG, joerg.

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