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Bug#906186: charliecloud: [INTL:de] initial German debconf translation

Dear Helge,

thanks for your translation. Looking through your po file, two questions
came to my mind:

1. It seems to me that there is a typo in your email address. Both in
the fourth line of the file and in the Last-Translator field there are
three l at the end of the domain name whereas in the sender field of
this email there are only two l. Could you double-check this, please.

2. I do not want to interfere with the work of the German language team
but I wonder whether there is a hyphen missing between "nicht" and
"privilegierte". I am not a language expert but I wonder whether -
without hyphen - there is the danger of misunderstanding the first
sentence in the following way: "Privilegierte Benutzernamensräume sind
im laufenden Kernel nicht deaktiviert." This interpretation would be
confusing. That is just my two cents. If you prefer to keep the
translation the way it is right now, I am happy to commit it unchanged.


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