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cabal-debian --official --upgrade

many thanks for the great documentation :

I have an issue with this part:
cd DHG_packages/p/haskell-$pkg
cabal-debian --official --upgrade

I get this "warning":

~/DHG_packages/p/haskell-dice$ cabal-debian --official --upgrade
Usage: cabal-debian [-v|--verbose] [-n|--dry-run] [--ghcjs]
                    [--cabal-flag|--cabal-flags CABALFLAG or -CABALFLAG]
                    [--buildenvdir DIR] [-m|--maintainer 'NAME <EMAIL>']
                    [-u|--uploader 'NAME <EMAIL>']
                    [-e|--executable SOURCEPATH[:DESTDIR]]
                    [-d|--default-package PKGNAME] [--missing-dependency DEB]
                    [-b|--debian-name-base NAME] [--deb-version DEBIANVERSION]
                    [--revision DEBIANREVISION]
                    [-s|--source-package-name DEBIANNAME]
                    [-S|--source-section SECTION]
                    [--standards-version CABALVERSION]
                    [--build-dep DEBIANRELATIONS]
                    [--build-dep-indep DEBIANRELATIONS] [--dev-dep RELATION]
                    [--depends DEB:RELATION] [--conflicts DEB:RELATION]
                    [--provides DEB:RELATION] [--replaces DEB:RELATION]
                    [--recommends DEB:RELATION] [--suggests DEB:RELATION]
                    [--dep-map CABAL:DEBIANBINARYPACKAGE]
                    [--epoch-map CABALPACKAGE=DIGIT]
                    [--exec-map CABAL:DEBIANBINARYPACKAGE] [--disable-profiling]
                    [--disable-haddock] [--official] [--native]
                    ([--disable-running-tests|--no-run-tests] |
  Typical usage is run in unpacked source root directory 
     % cabal-debian  --maintainer 'Maintainer Name <maintainer@email>' 
   This will read the package's cabal file and any existing debian/changelog file and
  deduce what it can about the debianization, then it will create or modify files in
  the debian subdirectory.  Note that it will not remove any files in debian, and
  these could affect the operation of the debianization in unknown ways.  For this
  reason it is recommended either using a pristine unpacked directory each time, or else
  using a revision control system to revert the package to a known state before running.
  Arguments: ["--official","--upgrade"]

is it the right command ?
it does not seem to do anything.

Thanks for help/advice,
	Alexandre Delanoë (anoe)

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