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Re: Packaging a Haskell Program

On 06/11/2013 10:31 AM, Joachim Breitner wrote:

Am Dienstag, den 11.06.2013, 08:26 +0200 schrieb Dirk Hünniger:
So the version I sent in yesterday works now without any changes but
does not produce the list of figures and the list of contributors, since
toolsever entirely gave up. So currently I can not even work on the
problem. So if you think you can add the current revision to debian,
just add it. Otherwise it might take a longer time until I will be able
to add a new version, because I currently have very little Idea how to
fix that problem.
It seems to work for me, e.g.

but only sometimes...:
Database Error: User 'daniel_www' has exceeded the
'max_user_connections' resource (current value: 15) (sql-toolserver) on

Have you talked to the toolserver admin whether the way you use it is ok
for them, if they can increase the limit or maybe work on an interface
that works better?

Scraping HTML doesn’t seem to be too stable anyways. Can’t you use the
CSV or other formats?


I don't feel like discussing with them. I attempted several times. In particular the devoloper of Contributors php knows that I am using Contributors.php is this way. Its very unlikely that they will make it more stable. Toolserver is the place where all unstable code of Wikipedia and friends runs.I can make some heuristics like try with 10 seconds timeout ten seconds ten times, which produces good results. I also can get the list of contributors directly from the mediawikiserver processing the version history with my own html parser, which is the same parser as I use for articles. I also tried processing with an xml parser but this failed since mediawikis results are not always well formatted. Today I feel quite tired an I don't really feel like implementing the way using the version history right now, although this is the most right way of doing it I can think out. I might still I might do sooner or later, but I don't know when. Also Pierre Neidhards will very likely switch the repo form SVN to GIT in the next few days. So it will take time until I can resolve that.
Yours Dirk

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