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Re: Nikki and the Robots – where is it stuck?

On Tue, Aug 14, 2012 at 12:29 AM, Sönke Hahn wrote:

> You should be able to run our testsuite by doing the following:
> In older versions you would need QuickCheckStore, which you have to get
> here:
> , but I just committed a patch, that gets rid of this rather unneeded
> dependency.

Thanks, will enable that once there is a release that doesn't use
QuickCheckStore. Already added it to svn, commented out.

> We are not planning to create a tarball with "cabal sdist", we use
> "darcs dist". Cabal expects the .cabal-file to be in the top level
> directory, but we can't put it there, because we use multiple cabal
> files (one for our binary deployment (in src/), one for the debian
> deployment (in src/rootInstall/), one for the testsuite (in
> src/testsuite), etc.). So this is a wontfix from our perspective.

Hmm, is cabal not flexible enough to be able to do everything from one file?

> I tried using TChan instead and it makes the code less readable.
> 'isEmptyChan' is deprecated because it isn't threadsafe, but we only use
> it from one thread, so this also won't be fixed. (If you have no
> objections, that is.)

Seems reasonable, at some point isEmptyChan might get removed though
so you may need to switch eventually.

> We could easily switch to
> 'Foreign.ForeignPtr.Unsafe.unsafeForeignPtrToPtr', but that would break
> compatibility with older ghc-versions (as young as 7.2, IIRC).

I see, does Haskell not have a way to use one function if available
and another otherwise?

> The force_align_arg_pointer attribute is a workaround for a Qt bug on
> windows (the microsoft OS). So ignoring this on Linux isn't a problem.
> We could get rid of this warning by conditional compilation. Is that wanted?

Seems reasonable to only apply the attribute where it is definitely needed.

>> [/tmp/buildd/nikki-]: (error) Memory
>> leak: argcPtr
> How do you generate that warning?

cppcheck 1.55.

> dpkg-shlipdeps seems to need a debian/control file. So I cannot
> reproduce this.
> We do have an interest in fixing this warning (and the one above). Some
> help in reproducing them on our end would be appreciated.

I expect the dpkg-shlipdeps one is the fault of ghc or maybe one of
your other dependencies, I wouldn't worry about it too much.

> I don't need to understand these, right?

The a few are relevant for you...

I: nikki: spelling-error-in-binary usr/games/nikki unkown unknown

Here is why:

pabs@chianamo ~/devel/games/nikki $ grep -r unkown .
./src/LevelServer/Configuration.hs:    x -> error ("unkown version: " ++ x)

While looking for a changelog to fix no-upstream-changelog, I noticed
that src/CHANGELOG is out of date.

binary-without-manpage means that the game has no manual page, this
isn't a big issue but is something you might want to add upstream.

I note that the bug where you can't move without re-setting the keys
is still present.

> I will be on a hiking trip, so I won't be able to answer in the coming
> ten days.

Have fun!

> (I'm not on the debian mailing lists, please CC me!)

Done. I'm on the games list, no need to CC me.



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