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Re: Packaging hoogle

Joachim Breitner wrote:

> Hi,
> Am Samstag, den 26.11.2011, 20:27 +1100 schrieb Erik de Castro Lopo:
> >  d) Should I package the database files as a deb?
> I think this would be the ideal solution, and what Debian users expect.
> What are the cons?

The cons:

 a) It would require a separate hoogle-data source package.

 b) I have to figure out a way to retrieve the data. Currently the hoogle
    executable, grabs some text files and tarballs and then processes
    them and sticks then in /var/lib/hoogle/hoogle-X.Y.Z (if we do a
    hoogle-data package then this should be /usr/share/hoogle/hoogle-X.Y.Z).
    There are a bunch of copy right issues about this data, mainly that
    if currently doesn't have copyright, other than that it was extracted
    from code that is licensed BSD3 or LGPL or MIT etc etc.

 c) What happens when the local admin adds to the database and then
    upgrades the hoogle package? This is usually mean the new package
    breaks functionality of the old package. Neil Mitchell tells me
    that the database format changes much less often than he does new

Erik de Castro Lopo

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