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List of packages needing updates

Hi List,

Based on
I’ve assembled a list of all haskell source packages that are currently
not installable in EVERY architecture (which most likely means that they
have not been updated for ghc6.10), and the same list for i386, which is
more complete, but contains some false positives (e.g. when they were
uploaded on amd64 and the buildd is not yet done.

If you are aware of your package, and just waiting for dependencies,
then please ignore this mail. Besides the comments at the bottom,
maybe :-)

Uninstallable on EVERY:
haskell-filepath          |Arjan Oosting <arjan@debian.org>                                         
haskell-alut              |Ian Lynagh (wibble) <igloo@debian.org>                                   
haskell-arrows            |Ian Lynagh (wibble) <igloo@debian.org>                                   
haskell-cgi               |Ian Lynagh (wibble) <igloo@debian.org>                                   
haskell-fgl               |Ian Lynagh (wibble) <igloo@debian.org>                                   
haskell-glut              |Ian Lynagh (wibble) <igloo@debian.org>                                   
haskell-haskell-src       |Ian Lynagh (wibble) <igloo@debian.org>                                   
haskell-hgl               |Ian Lynagh (wibble) <igloo@debian.org>                                   
haskell-html              |Ian Lynagh (wibble) <igloo@debian.org>                                   
haskell-openal            |Ian Lynagh (wibble) <igloo@debian.org>                                   
haskell-opengl            |Ian Lynagh (wibble) <igloo@debian.org>                                   
haskell-parallel          |Ian Lynagh (wibble) <igloo@debian.org>                                   
haskell-stream            |Ian Lynagh (wibble) <igloo@debian.org>                                   
xmonad-contrib            |Joachim Breitner <nomeata@debian.org>                                    
hdbc-postgresql           |John Goerzen <jgoerzen@complete.org>                                     
haskell-terminfo          |Marco Túlio Gontijo e Silva <marcot@riseup.net>                         
haskell-zlib              |Marco Túlio Gontijo e Silva <marcot@riseup.net>                         

Additionally Uninstallable on i386:
+haskelldb                 |Arjan Oosting <arjan@debian.org>                                         
+haskelldb-dynamic         |Arjan Oosting <arjan@debian.org>                                         
+haskelldb-hsql            |Arjan Oosting <arjan@debian.org>                                         
+haskelldb-hsql-mysql      |Arjan Oosting <arjan@debian.org>                                         
+haskelldb-hsql-odbc       |Arjan Oosting <arjan@debian.org>                                         
+haskelldb-hsql-postgresql |Arjan Oosting <arjan@debian.org>                                         
+haskelldb-hsql-sqlite3    |Arjan Oosting <arjan@debian.org>                                         
+haskell-edison            |Arjan Oosting <arjan@debian.org>                                         
+haskell-hsql              |Arjan Oosting <arjan@debian.org>                                         
+haskell-hsql-mysql        |Arjan Oosting <arjan@debian.org>                                         
+haskell-hsql-odbc         |Arjan Oosting <arjan@debian.org>                                         
+haskell-hsql-postgresql   |Arjan Oosting <arjan@debian.org>                                         
+haskell-hsql-sqlite3      |Arjan Oosting <arjan@debian.org>                                         
+haskell-http              |Arjan Oosting <arjan@debian.org>                                         
+haskell-regex-base        |Arjan Oosting <arjan@debian.org>                                         
+haskell-regex-compat      |Arjan Oosting <arjan@debian.org>                                         
+haskell-regex-posix       |Arjan Oosting <arjan@debian.org>                                         
+haskell-uulib             |Arjan Oosting <arjan@debian.org>                                         
+haskell-irc               |Chris Lamb <chris@chris-lamb.co.uk>                                      
+haskell-diff              |Chris Lamb <lamby@debian.org>                                            
+haskell-utf8-string       |Chris Lamb <lamby@debian.org>                                            
+haskell-vty               |Eric Warmenhoven <warmenhoven@debian.org>                                
+haskell-src-exts          |Florian Ragwitz <rafl@debian.org>                                        
+haskell-x11               |Joachim Breitner <nomeata@debian.org>                                    
+xmonad                    |Joachim Breitner <nomeata@debian.org>                                    
+haskell-anydbm            |John Goerzen <jgoerzen@complete.org>                                     
+haskell-configfile        |John Goerzen <jgoerzen@complete.org>                                     
+haskell-hsh               |John Goerzen <jgoerzen@complete.org>                                     
+hdbc                      |John Goerzen <jgoerzen@complete.org>                                     
+hdbc-odbc                 |John Goerzen <jgoerzen@complete.org>                                     
+hdbc-sqlite3              |John Goerzen <jgoerzen@complete.org>                                     
+ldap-haskell              |John Goerzen <jgoerzen@complete.org>                                     
+magic-haskell             |John Goerzen <jgoerzen@complete.org>                                     
+haskell-happs-data        |Kari Pahula <kaol@debian.org>                                            
+haskell-happs-ixset       |Kari Pahula <kaol@debian.org>                                            
+haskell-happs-server      |Kari Pahula <kaol@debian.org>                                            
+haskell-happs-state       |Kari Pahula <kaol@debian.org>                                            
+haskell-happs-util        |Kari Pahula <kaol@debian.org>                                            
+haskell-hlist             |Kari Pahula <kaol@debian.org>                                            
+haskell-hspread           |Kari Pahula <kaol@debian.org>                                            
+haskell-syb-with-class    |Kari Pahula <kaol@debian.org>                                            
+haskell-tagsoup           |Kari Pahula <kaol@debian.org>                                            
+haskell-pcre-light        |Recai Oktaş <roktas@debian.org>                                         

These lists were assmbled with these quickly hacked commands:
GET "http://qa.debian.org/debcheck.php?dist=sid&list=main%2donly%2drelationship%2dDepends&arch=i386"; | html2text -width 200|fgrep 'X__'|cut -d\| -f2,13|tr _ ' '|fgrep "$(echo haskell; echo xmonad; echo hdbc)"|sort -t \| -k 2 > missing-i386
GET "http://qa.debian.org/debcheck.php?dist=sid&list=main%2donly%2drelationship%2dDepends&arch=EVERY"; | html2text -width 200|fgrep 'X__'|cut -d\| -f2,13|tr _ ' '|fgrep "$(echo haskell; echo xmonad; echo hdbc)"|sort -t \| -k 2 > missing-ALL

When upgrading, please note that haskell-devscript now contains a cdbs
rule file that is supported by kaol (the ghc6 maintainer), Marco and me.
Hoping to consolidate these scripts, please have a look whether it suits
you to use it, and if you have an issue with it, please bring it up on
debian-haskell. An example package using it is haskell-mtl.

If I CC’ed you, then I’m not sure whether you are subscribed to
debian-haskell. If you are, please excuse the double mail. If not, you
probably should subscribe.

Ian packages were put up for adoption. If you want to grab any of his,
just tell us (at debian-haskell), and go for it – I guess.

Greetings and thanks,

Joachim "nomeata" Breitner
Debian Developer
  nomeata@debian.org | ICQ# 74513189 | GPG-Keyid: 4743206C
  JID: nomeata@joachim-breitner.de | http://people.debian.org/~nomeata

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