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Re: haskell-devscripts

Joachim Breitner wrote:
> Hi Marco,
>      10 Maintainer: Kari Pahula <kaol@debian.org>
>      19 Maintainer: John Goerzen <jgoerzen@complete.org>
>      20 Maintainer: Arjan Oosting <arjan@debian.org>
> I think this needs support from at least John and Arjan.

To that end, there was a discussion on IRC yesterday.  I am not a fan of
CDBS in general, and prefer debhelper.  The main reason is: in the end,
I am responsible for my package building correctly.  If some part of
debhelper isn't doing the right thing, it is pretty trivial to remove it
and do the right thing manually in debian/rules.  debhelper scripts are
well-documented and don't call each other.  I am not sure that I could
easily replace a small part of a one-line debian/rules.  In fact, I'm
pretty sure that I *couldn't*.

We also discussed some special situations that may come up: packages
with tiny -doc packages that ftpmasters may not like, packages that need
to run both Haskell and Python build scripts, etc.

That said, if whoever maintains it is committed to actively maintaining
it and helping Haskell maintainers when issues arrive, I'm willing to
give it a try.  If it works as advertised, it could be a big win, and
make my job maintaining Debian packages much easier.

If it is well-documented, with examples, how to override a particular
part of the build process, that would go a long way to ease my concerns.

-- John

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