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Re: Debian haskell packaging: We're way behind

Hmm, that email didn't come out at all like I wanted...

We copy AUR[1] and provide a source-only repository of Debian packages.
 Then people can use the tools that already exist in Debian for
building/installing from source, there are tools that claim to deal with
dependencies as well.  We'll probably want to skip packages already
available in Debian proper.

AFAICS, when we have that all that stands between us and world
domination is some place to store the binary packages...


[1]: http://aur.archlinux.org/index.php

Magnus Therning                             (OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4)
magnus@therning.org             Jabber: magnus@therning.org

Haskell is an even 'redder' pill than Lisp or Scheme.
     -- PaulPotts

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